Shin Splints: Shin splints are an annoying, nagging injury that happen to a lot of athletes, that is caused by overuse. Shin Splints, or “tibial stress syndrome” can occur in the anterior tib tendon or posterior tib tendon.
What can tape do to help? Since shin splints are an overuse injury there is not much that tape will do other than add some compression. Athletes often report that the compression feels good over the injured area, so that is something we can offer with tape.
Shin splints are often caused by an underlaying issue; such as poor running mechanics, poor running shoes, or even body mechanics (such as rotated hips, or high/flat arches). The most effective treatment for shin splints would be to rest, ice, take an NSAID, and mostly correct the underlaying issue (which Physical Therapy would help with). Taping is something we do for temporary relief only, it will not “fix” the problem.
Have more questions on Shin Splints? Steph Fall posted a blog on shin splints that would be a good point of reference for any other questions. Feel free to email me your questions or comments at
-Athletic tape for Compression (Mimics shin sleeve)
-Elasticon for support(Spiral)
– Alli