Neck pain can impact your life in ways most people can’t understand. The pain itself can be overwhelming and the inability to do simple daily tasks can be frightening. There are many injuries commonly associated with the neck. Below is a list of some common neck conditions we see:
The good news is that most incidents of neck pain can be resolved without medication or surgery. And research shows that manual therapy coupled with certain exercises designed to address the specific problem is the most effective approach to the treatment of neck pain.
Physical therapy, as a conservative first choice, offers neck pain relief for the majority of people and reduces the number of patients that need more invasive back treatment and expensive surgical interventions
Neck Pain problems are sometimes caused by an accident or trauma, but most often the pain is a result of:
Often neck pain goes away over time, but nearly 90% of people who experience neck pain can expect to have another episode of pain at some point in the future. That’s because the cause of the episode was never addressed. People usually stop seeking help when the pain goes away, but unless the causes of the neck pain are addressed, recurrence is predictable. OSI physical therapists are trained to identify problems and choose the right treatment approach to resolve the issue.
We start with a thorough back exam to see how the patient moves. Hands-on manual therapy is often used to correct painful movement. Coaching is then provided to get the right muscles activated and get you moving again.
Depending on your needs, our treatment includes functional training in posture, body mechanics and job simulation. We offer the coaching and direction that makes it easier for you to stay on track.
Since managing back pain and back pain treatment is a long-term commitment and requires changing habits, we encourage patients to stay active and continue with their personalized exercise program.