Physical therapy can be highly beneficial for infants with torticollis, a condition characterized by the tightness or shortening of the muscles in the neck, resulting in the baby’s head being tilted to one side and rotated to the opposite side. Physical therapy is a safe and effective approach to treating infant torticollis, and it can help prevent the development of more severe problems related to muscle tightness and head positioning. Early diagnosis and intervention are key to achieving the best outcomes for your baby. Here’s how physical therapy can benefit infants with torticollis:
Physical therapists can teach parents or caregivers how to perform gentle stretching exercises to elongate the tight neck muscles. These exercises help increase their baby’s ability to turn their head and neck in both directions.
While the primary issue in torticollis is muscle tightness, physical therapists may also introduce strengthening exercises to help your baby develop stronger neck muscles. This can aid in maintaining the correct head position.
Physical therapists encourage tummy time, which helps strengthen your baby’s neck and upper body muscles. Tummy time also reduces the likelihood of developing flat spots on the back of your baby’s head.
Parents play a significant role in the success of physical therapy for infant torticollis. Physical therapists provide guidance on how to incorporate exercises and activities into your baby’s daily routine, ensuring consistency and progress.
Physical therapists closely monitor your baby’s progress and make necessary adjustments to the treatment plan to ensure that the neck tightness is improving and the head position becomes more symmetrical.