Ankle injuries are one of the most common injuries in sports and recreational activities. An x-ray is useful in determining whether there is a bony injury like a fracture or broken bone. Some simple rules (Ottawa ankle rule) can be helpful in deciding if you need to get x-rays.
There is pain in the malleolar zone area highlighted and any of the following:
1) Tenderness on the bone at A
2) Tenderness on the bone at B
3) You are unable to bear weight immediately for at least 4 steps
There is pain in the midfoot zone highlighted areas and any of the following:
1) Tenderness on the bone at C
2) Tenderness on the bone at D
3) You are unable to bear weight immediately for at least 4 steps
Also, if you notice any deformity of the ankle or foot; a significant difference between the bony alignment of one ankle or foot compared to the other, x-rays should be taken immediately.
If the above rules do not apply to you but you are still having significant pain, swelling, weakness, or a sensation that the ankle or foot is giving away, physical therapy may be for you. A physical therapist can perform a thorough physical evaluation and in most cases determine the most appropriate course to manage your symptoms and get you back to feeling 100%. In Minnesota, physical therapy can be accessed without a physician’s referral unless your insurance requires it. Feel free to make an appointment with me if you’d like some additional help.
– Ryan