
Why I Hired A Personal Trainer…And You Should Too!

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Staying healthy spiritually, mentally, physically and also nutritionally is really important as I am building into a stronger version of myself.  I practice my faith through studying with teachers.  I read and debate understandings to strengthen myself mentally.

I also like to stay fit and that is where I feel it is important to have guidance from my personal trainer to help me understand the best way of building and fueling my temple.

Through my personal trainer I have learned so much more about these 3 important things:


1) Cardio – keep my heart rate steady/burn fat.

2) Weight lifting – strengthens my muscles.

3) Nutrition – my body needs the right fuel to drive my energy.

I truly appreciate the professionalism, insight, inspiration and persistence that my personal trainer gives to me as I strengthen myself into a stronger version of ME!

Consider looking into finding a personal trainer to help you learn more and reach your goals. If you’re in the Somerset/Stillwater area you can reach out to the Training Room at OSI for help. It’s a fitness division of OSI headed up by the amazing leader Jen Monson. Check it out.

Thanks for reading.

– Tina