Physical activity is important for a healthy lifestyle and no matter what your age, your body needs exercise. Healthy activity can have many benefits: improving weight, strength, energy, mood, and even balance. It could also help prevent or possibly delay certain illnesses like heart disease, certain cancers, osteoporosis, and diabetes.
It can be difficult to squeeze exercise into a busy routine, but that doesn’t mean you need to jump into a gym everyday or buy any special workout gear. Start off by incorporating simple activities everyday. Take a walk, dance, climb the stair, do some yardwork or housework – any activity that gets your body moving.
There are four types of exercise! Eventually, you’ll want to start incorporating all four types into your regimen for a well rounded routine.
It’s important to start off slow! Especially if you are over the age of 50 and are not used to energetic activities. You might want to check with a doctor to ensure you’re able to do the exercises you want to do. Also check with a doctor if you start experiencing any of the following symptoms: